We got about 1 1/4" of rain last night! I think we missed the really heavy stuff. Looked like San Antonio got more and North Texas got a lot. But we're thankful for any rain. There are lots of bluebonnets coming up and if we get rain at the right time in March we should have bumper crop.
I drilled the holes for the back slats using a 1/2" forester bit. They are 1/2" deep.
This is the profile I decided on for the back slats.
Here's one now! It's cut out of 1 1/2" stock.
I drilled the holes in the head crest before cutting the profile.
The holes are 3/4" deep by 1/2".
Looks nice.
This is the setup I use for rounding over the edges of the back slats. The tops and bottoms get rounded with a 1/4" bit and the back in the middle (the fat part) gets rounded with a 1/2" bit.
Now we get to see what the chair is going to look like! Takes a lot of shaping to get the slats to fit in the 1/2" holes. 10 more to go! There will be a lot of finish sanding before glue-up because there are lots of places that I won't be able to get to after.
You can see the curve the head crest has.
And this is Peggy wrangling her worms. For some reason the worms live in my office right behind where I am now. She uses the castings (poop) for fertilizer in the garden. Another reason for the garden shed. The guys are supposed to pour the slab in the morning. Isn't country life great?
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